effortless Flow Yoga

DESCRIPTION: Feel more ease, grace and lightness. In this six-week course you will learn Aston movement principles and concepts applied to a simple yoga practice to help you move WITH the forces of the earth so that all your movement ON an OFF the mat can become effortless and promote longevity.

• Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15

• 5:30-7:00 PM

• 1235 SE Division ST, Suite 117, Portland, OR 97202

• Investment $165.00

• Register early to secure your spot as class size is limited! 

RegistRation and Payment

Click the blue “Buy now” button to be directed to our secure checkout page.

This course is for you if…

  • You practice yoga and your body is giving you subtle or not so subtle signals of discomfort when you move.

  • You experience minor twinges of pain.

  • Some of the movements you used to do easily, are not as easy anymore even though you do them regularly.

  • Some area(s) of your body are “always” tight, or weak, or too loose, no matter how much you stretch or strengthen them.

While there are many things that can have an impact on your body and your movement, learning how to move with the forces of the earth and in harmony with our human design and your unique limitations “for now” can actually contribute to a spiral up in function rather than a spiral down.

Would you like to see yourself continuing to practice yoga and receive the benefits for years to come, move easily, freely, and do the things you enjoy most?

I invite you then, to join me on this six-week journey to learn the Aston concepts and principles for moving on the earth in a human body as we apply them to a simple yoga practice for ease, longevity, healing and injury prevention.

What you’ll learn:

  • Four foundational principles and many concepts that can inform how you move both on and off your yoga mat.

  • How to find and feel your best neutral posture “for now”, so that you are in the best place you can be to initiate any movement or begin any activity.

  • Foundational movement units applied to yoga postures and the transitions between postures.

  • Why the “set up” is EVERYTHING.

  • How to meet, match and honor your particular limitations “for now” so that those limits can possibly change, increasing range of motion over time through movement.

  • How to make small changes in THE WAY YOU MOVE to set you on a path for experiencing a spiral up in function rather than a spiral down.

  • How to expand your awareness and sensitivity to “listen” to the signs and signals your body offers that can alert your conscious mind and how to decode, interpret and respond respectfully to your body.

  • To sense and move with the cooperation of your whole body for greater ease, least effort and to avoid strain or compromise to any one area.


Where: 1235 SE Division St. Suite #117, Portland, OR 97202 requires entry code that will be sent to you via text each class day in advance of class time.

When: Thursdays 5:30-7:00pm (July 11, 18, 25, & Aug 1, 8 15)

Bring: a yoga mat and yoga blanket (firm cotton or wool)

Wear: comfortable, close fitting clothing that allows you to move easily.

Investment: $165.00

Register by: July 8, 2024.

Class size is limited.

For information about this instructor, Click Here.